
About Passion Profit CEO

Business isn't just about making money. Here at Passion Profit CEO, it's bigger & deeper than that. We believe in lifestyle entrepreneurship where you get rewarded in profits to simply

 Live Life & Operate Business On Your Terms 


Where it All Began...

At 10 years old I started my first business & piddled many times in different areas of business.

Then in 2015... My family actually started our serial entrepreneurial journey for the same reasons as most of you.  We wanted to create more income, but we also wanted more of the life we desired.

My husband was working 40 hours per week + overtime as our sole income source & we rarely ever saw him. While he had a good hourly rate, his past choices took from his paychecks & left our family of 6 to live off $1200/month = INSANITY!!!

We had to do something!! Childcare for 3 littles under the age of 5 would cost me my whole paycheck if I returned to work. Then I had to factor in my travel expense, I'd be paying to go back to work.  So, no brainer, we had to think smarter than that.  

We started our journey 


but quickly learned our WHY ran so much deeper than that. We were craving holistic health.

Pivotal Moment #1

I chose lifestyle entrepreneurship without even knowing what it was. 

Let me be honest, I didn't want to go back to work & someone else raise my kids. 
(Today with how my kids act, sometimes, I wonder if that was the best idea. Of course, it was, I now have mini me's & know where I need more personal development. LOL!!)

Back then, I simply asked myself, "How can I get paid to spend time with my kids?" because truth be told that is what I wanted & it was a very important value to me.

And that created The First Lightbulb & foundation for the start of our FAMILY'S lifestyle entrepreneur journey!

An in-home childcare business which lead to 

Problem #1 

Income Cap

I couldn't serve as many people as I needed to make the income I desired (or if I'm being honest to even help fill the gap from where we were living worse than paycheck to paycheck.) While I loved what I was doing, we were still struggling. 

Maybe this is where you are, as it's a major problem for service providers. It can be challenging making sure the offer you have actually mathmatically has the potential to support the income you need, let alone, your desires for the extra's.

In my case, state law said that I could only keep 3 kids that were not my own without having to jump through a bunch of hoops to become a licensed in-home daycare. 

So what now?

I pivoted & Changed course!

Your time is the


resource that you have. 

Naturally thinking smarter (some have argued it being a wise choice),
I changed course from in-home childcare to sacrificing one whole paycheck of my husband's
& the food for our table that week to start an online health coaching business so I could focus on my own health + making more money. 
Perhaps it was a selfish move (according to some) but it changed the trajectory of our lives!
Had I not made that decision, we would still be living worse than paycheck to paycheck & never made it here.
I'd still be struggling with depression due to financial crisis. Golly gee, I'm glad I chose a new path. 

Yet, like anyone who starts a business & doesn't know what they don't know...
I struggled with marketing & sales. Who would have guessed? 
 Uh-oh!!! Yep, I used to force myself to send mile-long DM messages about my business before
anyone even was interested in hearing about it...YUCK!!! But it is what my upline told me to do. 
You don't know what you don't know & I was being coachable. 
(I did it because someone somewhere evidently got a client or two from it & told others to do it, too. Typical skills coaching.) 

And I tried to be everywhere & fly by the seat of my pants doing all the things just like my upline who was seeing massive success!

BUT it wasn't working for me!! 

My energy was constantly drained & I just felt like I'd never be good enough to do the required work to be successful!! 

Which led to...

Pivotal Moment #2

Reduce the friction

I couldn't do it! 

I'd rather live frugally than to constantly put my body under that kind of stress daily.

People say you have to choose your kind of hard & it's true. It's hard living with the stress of the frugal life but it is equally hard to force yourself physically to master actions that will never fit who you are meant to be. 

 I couldn't live with myself sending another spammy message
& trying to wake up feeling like a good person
knowing I, too,
would just
ignore myself & give me crickets had I sent that message to myself. 

Let alone knowing that doing all the things was not sustainable for me
 having so many children & needing the majority of my daily focus to be on them.

I had to find a different way...
MY WAY & fast!!

As I dug deeper into discovering my true self in personal development,
I learned my human design & that is when I discovered that there are actually different marketing & sales strategies that we can use based on our personality & skillset. 

Problem #2

Marketing & Sales Alignment 

We are all different. 

From the color of our hair to our passions, personality, & skillsets. 

How can we expect that there is a 1 size fits all approach to business success?

Sorry to burst bubbles here if you are searching for it but there is NOT!

There's only the path that best aligns with who you are & the goals you desire.

Therefore, your roadmap to your success is not going to be the same as anyone else's who has traveled the path. It has to be a custom-tailored & personal map of milestone destinations you have to achieve to get to your desired success. 

So what did I do? 

I pivoted & Changed course Again!

The acknowledgement & understanding of your own 


is a business game-changer. 

Once I learned my Sales Superpower

Business & Inspiration Was booming 

Just two small town kids...
One, a college flunkee, & the other, someone thought wouldn't amount to anything.

5 Figure Months As A Health Coach

Once I figured out my sales superpower, I ranked 8x in 2 months gaining 50 customers & had 15 new MLM team members + sold out my 1:1 coaching.

My Success Inspired My Husband

He started his own construction business.
(Pictured is the day we legalized it.)

Then We Dove Deeper Into Lifestyle Monetization & Passion Profits

We love Labrador Retrievers & decided to breed ours. We typically have 1 litter per year & keep a waiting list.

From $14K/YR To
Multi 6-Figures

Everyone kept watching & started asking, " HOW?"
we were achieving so much success. I listened to the call within to pivot yet again to business consulting & marketing services & haven't looked back.

Pivotal Moment #3

Go Where Your heart leads

You may feel under-qualified but have no fear you are meant to be here & do the work you are called to.  Only you can serve the people who are meant to be your clients & they don't get the support they need in this life if you don't serve them. 

I spent so much time on the alter asking "WHY ME" & the moment I surrendered, it was 


I have never felt so fulfilled & energized as I do when working with my people. 

As my husband & I have grown in our journey, we have overcome many difficult times. 
In my husband's business, we experienced that next level version
 of problem #1 (Time Cap) that led to

Problem #3

 Your Sanity

No one told us of the possibility that our businesses would take over our minds & our lives. We dealt with constantly sacrificing the things we valued most for a lifestyle of business growth hustle that never shut off while trying to achieve the financial goals, that might I mention, felt so out of reach.

Maybe you are starting to experience this by offering 1:1 services & are getting some conversions, but business has taken over & you no longer have a life due to working on & in your business ALL THE TIME. 

I'm here to tell you that you can get your time back.

You didn't start your business to create another 9-5+ for yourself, you started it to have


In order to have more freedom

You have to intentionally structure the business 

It has to have a strong foundation that supports your personality, your marketing & sales skillsets currently so you can show up with confidence, + operations & client work that fit perfect for your time availability & supports you financially to allow for the lifestyle you desire to live. There is a lot that goes into a well planned business that thrives.

The typical cookie cutter business
plan will not work for you!

Which leads us to...

Problem #4

A personalized Roadmap With The Support needed to thrive

Save your sanity.
Don't waste time just getting by. 

We spent years investing over $100K+ to make our first $100K!
You definitely can't get your time back once it is gone.

I don't want that to be you because that was a whole new level of INSANITY, too.

I hate to even say it, but it needs to be said & it needs to be talked about...

On our journey, many of our investment attempts for business growth showed us not an ROI in our business but what we didn't want to be as good humans. It's frustrating!! There are so-called businesspeople out there who just want your money & won't provide any value & definitely don't deliver what they are marketing. Then when challenged & put in the spotlight, will say, "It's just business, it's not personal."

I beg to differ!

Business is personal!

Our businesses impact the lives we live on a daily basis. 

So yeah, business is freakin personal.

You don't just take someone's hard earned money & not give them what you promised.  

No worries for you though, because you are "MY PEOPLE" & there's never a chance you will ever do this to one of your clients. You personally, just have to be savvy in your investing which again, YOU ARE!! 

Which is why you are here because you know you want to actually see have confirmation that you will get an ROI in your business from your next investment.  

Your goals & the results you desire to achieve


Invest wisely in your support. 

This truly got under my skin as we were trying so eagerly
to become more than we were to create a better life for our family.
There for a period, it truly felt as though no one actually cared about our success.

Here is what I found...

Be mindful & take note: 
There are 2 types of Business Coaches 

1. They teach the skill of strategy that worked for them.
(Their personality, their skillset, their life goals, their time availability. That cookie cutter strategy that may or may not work for you.)
2. They coach using question coaching to draw out &
reveal the information (success) you have within you already. 

Before investing in a business coach, always ask questions about their process.  You can qualify them just as much as they qualify what kind of client you will be before working together. Make sure you are getting the type of coach you actually need to succeed.

Here At 

We do things different!!


More than anything I want to see you succeed & actually achieve results!

Unlike ordinary business coaches who teach strategies that worked for them, I am a strategist who uses personalized coaching techniques --a mixture of both types of coaching specifically starting with question coaching to build the exact business you desire by custom creating your business plan so that you can grow the business of your dreams that's designed specifically to match your personality, time availability, marketing + sales skills, & lifestyle desires.

In doing so, you streamline success achieving your goals rapidly without forcing yourself to show up in ways that don't excite you. 

When working with me, I assist you in creating your personalized clear, & concise roadmap to build your business with a strong, sustainable foundation that supports you specifically & the desires you have using question coaching & my experience of knowing what strategies will work best for you. 

Additionally, I actually cut the fluff so you can succeed rapidly by using skills coaching to uplevel your skills with only the trainings of what you need specifically for your personalized journey. 

From there, you can choose to DIY implementing your implementable actions checklist for growing your business on your own or we can partner longer-term and I'll provide services to bring it all to fruition, TOGETHER as a team with me helping you implement the work!

More than anything, I wholeheartedly just want to see you succeed!! 

For me, it's not about the income. The income is just the reward of following my passion of caring &  being a good supportive human.

Ever heard the quote, 

"You can have everything you want in life if you can just help enough other PEOPLE get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

 Let it be the start to the foundation of your business!

Though as any good business owner should, have boundaries in the form of offers that are intentional about fitting into the lifestyle you desire so you are not just serving freely as a non-profit or business taking up all your time.

As a True Passion Profit CEO

Our WHY Is Different 


As a lifestyle entrepreneur:

Ability to predominately spend your time on family, friends, & values such as health & spirituality first. 
Flexibility of your schedule to work when you want.
No income limits while getting paid for doing what you love.
Serve with your strengths instead of learning new skills. 
Focus on creating the future you desire for yourself & family.

It's different from the typical business model:

Start Your Business
Create Your Offer
Cookie Cutter, Copy/Paste Marketing & Sales
Hustle & Grind 40+ Hours Per Week

Don't create another job for yourself that leaves you overworked and burnout with income caps like the 9-5. 

Passion Profit CEO business model:

Decide on the Lifestyle You Want To Live
Develop Your Passion Profit Plan
Alignment of Marketing & Sales + Automations
Build Your Business In As Little As An Hour A Day Creating The Impact & Income You desire


Eliminate the income cap, reduce the friction,
& keep your sanity by getting personalized support
So you can have both... 
A business that creates a big impact & income but allows you to live the flexible, free lifestyle you desire. 

When you work personally with me, We Will:

Talk about your life & business goals + audit your business to see where you have gaps that require support.
Create your personalized Implementable Action Plan with milestones that allow you to achieve your desired goals.
Eliminate overwhelm & wondering "HOW" by filling in the gaps so you have a holistic business plan (instead of just one piece of the puzzle at a time) with 3-step conversion system so you don't have shiny object syndrome or feel like an imposter with the ability to work with focus, intention, & pure confidence that you are taking the "RIGHT" actions to get to your goals.
Structure your offers to support the income & time freedom you desire. Sometimes this means diversifying your income creating intentional valuable irresistible offers so you can attain your income goals more easily & have boundaries with your time while getting paid multiple times per day even if you are living your life. Hello strategic AUTOMATED INCOME or client retention offers!
Eliminate the potential for burnout by creating a simple structured & sustainable routine marketing & daily operations plan.  This plan doesn't require forced action & you can market your business in as little as 60 minutes a day or less confidently knowing your business is still growing even while you are working with clients or living life because you have been intentional with your marketing and sales for client acquisition.
Create the exact implementation & management experience you desire so you have the accountability & somewhere to turn when you question what is going to work fastest so you can make faster, wiser decisions to move your business forward rapidly & manage it all effectively.  You're never alone on this journey & together we will prepare your business to have the team support you desire. 

Let's Get Started!!

Take The Next Step Toward...

You're Freedom Business!

Schedule A Complimentary Consult

Have a strict budget or want to move at a certain speed? No problem! I'm ready to meet you exactly where you are on this journey. Schedule your call & let's create your action plan together. 

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Join the monthly email newsletter list to be notified of new trainings, resources, events, client wins, upcoming opportunities, & much more.  

(You can trust that this is my least favorite form of contact. Sometimes I forget to even send it. OOPS!  So, no need to worry about spam. We all have our favorite ways to do business & this one isn't mine. I can't wait to know yours!)  

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