
Welcome To Your

3-Day VIP Workcation

A holistic business remodel intensive for 1:1 service providers who want to scale. In this intensive we will get 3 months of work accomplished in 3 days so you have a strong, sustainable foundation funnel in place that allows you to operate your business in part-time hours.  It's time to move from being time & income capped to having more time & financial freedom to live life MORE on your terms.

Let's Intentionally Focus On your Business

Messy Bun & Leggings On!
Let's Get Stuff DONE!

Are you ready to 2x, 10x, or 100x your business with done-with-you support? Once we are done with this mini workcation, you will have your business set up with automations & a scalable sales funnel to be able to focus predominately on working part-times hours without sacrificing your impact or income.

Life-Work Balance

It's Starts With Alignment

In this workcation the goal is to get your business set up intentionally so you can have more TIME FREEDOM!! Let's get you connected to what you truly desire in your life... Zero Limitations- no holding back! Together, we then audit your business + design & develop your versatile upleveled business model to fit your lifestyle desires so that you are confident & have a marketing + sales conversion system that allows you to show up in pure excitement to work your business with EFFORTLESSNESS in a couple hours per day. 

Grab Your Laptop & Let's Do The Work

It's Time to ignite the fire & prepare for success so you can have more time & financial freedom. 
Let's get to funneling!

Alignment of Vision, Mission, Values & Goals

Be honest & blunt about what matters to you in life & business so your business can be structured to support that.

Negative Energy Release & Mindset

The inner work is just as important as the physical labor. Having more success requires you to reach new levels within by using self-mastery.


Now that you have intense clarity on your ideal clients & their needs now we can audit & take out the trash on what doesn't align with supporting your lifestyle. 

In-Depth Holistic Business Plan

Intentionally edit your plan based on 100% alignment of the most efficient strategies/systems for you & your ideal clients so it's unique & personal. 

Marketing & Sales Assessment + Coaching

No cookie cutter system here, we will be custom designing & setting your automation funnels up specifically so you can work less shutting work off in your head & RELAX.

Offer Elevation Formation

Design the more sustainable offers that make sense for your client's wants & needs but also allow you to achieve your monetary goals while having more time freedom.  Hmm Hmm... We gonna LIMIT or eliminate your 1:1's.

Upleveled Content Schedule

We will audit your content & campaign plan to adjust accordingly to your new offer(s) & sales conversion system.  

Professional Business Brand

You're not a newbie anymore so it's time to uplevel the experience that your potential clients have in a way that represents the professional you are. 

Automated Offer Conversion Funnel

Let's get real honest here, you don't want to spend ALL your time doing marketing & sales so let's make it simple for your clients to buy even when you aren't working! 

Client Journey

Organization, baby!! Don't let leads slip through the cracks anymore. You need an easy to operate system that allows you to know who to talk to when. The fortune is in the follow-up & we're make sure you have a process for that, if you don't already. 

20 Hour Or Less Work Week Schedule

Create a flexible routine that allows you to intentionally & consistently show up for your business & checkmark your income producing activities & serving clients each week so you can get back to living your life. 

Implementable Action Checklist

Don't forget your checklist of to-do's so you have intense clarity of where your attention & focus needs to go. In 3 days, we might not accomplish everything, it happens sometimes. If not, we will divide & conquer once we depart to close up any loose ends. 

No more excuses or wishing & hoping you have the business of your dreams, NOW you do!
It's time to SCALE & truly LIVE LIFE ON YOUR TERMS!!

Your Itinerary

Everything is flexible & we go with the flow for what is best for your situation however, here is the basic structure of how our days together will be structured. Of course, we will eat & have some breaks, too. 

Day 1

Life & Business Goals 
Negative Vibe Releasement & Mindset Rewiring
In-Depth Business Audit
In-Depth Holistic Business Planning Consult
Marketing & Sales Assessment
Offer Elevation Formation

Day 2

Professional Business Branding
Automated Offer Creation & Conversion Funnel - (Where the bulk of our time together is spent.) 
Uplevel Client Journey Pipeline

Day 3

20 Hour or Less Work week schedule
Implementable Action Checklist Preparation

Secure Your Spot Today

Only 8 Spots Available Per Year

(This is not a FOMO [fear of missing out] marketing tactic. Legit, it's all the availability I have time for in my life.)

Virtual VIP Days

3 Weekdays 9AM-1PM CST



Enrollment Call
3 Day Work With Danielle Itinerary 
Your Official Business Plan Document - Includes Marketing & Sales Conversion System Guidelines & 6-Month Content Outline
Your Official Brand Strategy Guide 
Your Implementable Actions Checklist
1 Month Voxer Access for support while transitioning into your new work routine & implementable action coaching/consulting.
BONUS Tools & resources as needed for your specific journey implementation.

This option requires more independent work privately on your offers, website, & funnel. So, if tech is not your thing, it may be better to invest in the in-person experience or add on done-for-you services. Additionally, it does not include the price of your website, funnel, or offer membership hosting. You will need to purchase these on your terms - check out the resources page if you'd like recommendations. 

Money shouldn't be the excuse for why you don't move forward. Other plans & financing can be discussed on the application call. 

Most Popular

In-Person VIP Experience

Access full experience + 1 year web, funnel, & offer hosting

Starting At:



Enrollment Call
3 Day Work With Danielle Itinerary 
**2 Night Lodging & Meals 
Your Official Business Plan Document - Includes Marketing & Sales Conversion System Guidelines & 6-Month Content Outline
Your Official Brand Strategy Guide 
Your Implementable Actions Checklist
1 Month Voxer Access for support while transitioning into your new work routine & implementable action coaching/consulting.
BONUS Tools & resources as needed for your specific journey implementation.

* Hosting includes done-with-you Homepage, Work With Me, Contact, Lead Capture, Passive Offer Sales Page, Checkout, Thank You Page + Offer Delivery System/Membership Pages, & Blog Setup.  Plus: Unlimited Website Pages that you create on your own.

**LOCATION: I will travel within 6 hours distance of Kentucky, or you can retreat here at the lake, or we can both retreat to a destination we both love. (All options pertaining to location & retreat {with price adjustments} will be discussed during the application call). I desire to give you the experience that you desire. Kind reminder: Only lodging & food will be included, not the cost of your travel.

Time For Your Breakthrough!

Look, I know this scares you, some of it scares me too,
 so let's work through it together:

Where will the in-person workcation be?

During the application call, we will figure this out together. I can come to your city & state (within 6-8 hours of Kentucky), you can come to Kentucky, or we can meet in the middle or at a destination that's been on both our bucket lists! 

The destination really makes no difference to me from 3-5 star hotel, air bnb, or luxury castle (yes, I have one of those we can book). Together, we will figure out what best serves you & the dates that fit your schedule & mine. 

What matters most to me, is that you are comfortable & we get the work done so you can succeed in your business. 

Please note the more luxurious you want the experience, the more the price will fluctuate. 

It's a big investment. How do I know I won't be taken advantage of again?

You're right, it is based on your investing money mindset. 

Having a thriving business requires an investment of money & time. No if's, and's, or but's it just does to be successful. There is no easy button or magical wand, we have to do the work. 

The hardest part of making a big investment isn't the money itself, it is our mindset around the money & believing in ourselves to follow through with integrity of our commitment that we are making the right decision so that we can trust ourself with the responsibility required. 

In my own journey, I was scared of investing too, but I kept doing it over & over even though I got burned many times. With time I was okay investing more & more. I started investing 2-3 digits, then 4... That's growth!! 

Hardcore Truth: I AM NOT that person who suckered you with their marketing & didn't bring the value that support you personally. I'm big hearted, I have morals, ethics, & respect for you & I want nothing more than to see you succeed. I can promise wholeheartedly when you invest in the Passion Profit CEO brand & myself, I will go to the ends of the earth to give you the value + some. Want to know why all my clients become my best friends? THIS IS IT!!!... I am ALL IN on supporting you in your business & holding you accountable to the actions that create the results. 

Additionally, you should know, your investment doesn't just help you & your business + my own family. A portion of all profits at Passion Profit CEO, get donated to Hands Of Hope & Vitamin Angels to help others live a healthier more stable & sustainable life. 

As a business owner, you should note: You don't wish to run a non-profit & provide your services for free with others taking advantage of you so consider the equal energy exchange to have what you want in this moment so that you can create that energy exchange in the future.  Your investment now leads to attracting more money in the future as you receive your ROI (Return on Investment). An ROI is not just money, it can also be in the form of education because you can't unlearn what you know, & when you know you can implement over & over again.  

I have made certain this investment is worth every penny as it creates the strong, sustainable foundation for a multi-six figure or even million-dollar business, IF you apply yourself beyond this workcation experience with the education you learn & not just walk away with the implementation we do in the 3 days. 

You will never find another coach who cares as much as I do. I get it, many coaches are out for their own personal success (trust me when I say I have a whole list of one's I wish I could reveal for people to not work with) & it sucks to be a victim of that but that question that you should ask is, "HOW MANY COACHES DO YOU KNOW THAT ARE WILLING TO TRAVEL TO WHERE YOU ARE JUST TO SUPPORT YOU?" 

If that in itself is not enough to understand I am different, then we probably aren't the right fit to work together. 

I'm an introvert or have trust issues & just want to know this is the right environment for me...

I understand!

Guess what? Me too! 

Meeting new people & being in places that are unfamiliar is absolutely terrifying. I'm super socially awkward &I'm an ambivert that leans to the introvert side. I GET YOU! I like my alone time & need time to recharge + I hate people being all up in my COMFORT BUBBLE. No worries, be straight with me & I'll be straight with you. If you need a break & some time along, say so!

Trust is earned, no given. As much as we would love to just give people trust in the society we live, it's hard. We've gotten this way because we have been mistreated before. Healing & mindset rewiring work has to happen to create self-mastery in this area. And as much as I would like to say, "it's once & done" it is NOT. New levels come with new devils. 

IF meeting me in person terrifies you, just know it does me, too, & this is exactly why I have the application call process so that we can get to know each other beforehand & decide if this truly is a great working partnership & be confident in it. If so, we can then work to create the comfortable environment that allows us to overcome our fears & get the work done coming out stronger in so many more ways than just getting the basics accomplished virtually. 

The in-person experience is a massive transformation in more ways than one. It's not just a business building experience for a lot of my clients. It's a personal growth experience as well. 

The best antidote to fear is to create the uncomfortable environment with repetitive practice until the action & environment becomes natural & habitual.

I have kids, it feels impossible to take 3 days away...

I understand. I know exactly what it is like to not have much support in this area let alone not wanting the support because of pride lol. 

Here is what I can say...

If you can find a way to put 3 FOCUSED days of work into your business (applying what we will in this workcation) you can jump YEARS ahead of those who will be trying for years for their overnight success. 

The question is really, "How bad do you want a thriving business?"

Is it worth sacrificing time with your kids for 3 days (less than 72 hours) so you have the backend of your business set up & clear implementable action & can work part-time hours or would you rather... 

Be present (physically but not mentally) in the same room with them for months or years trying to work on creation of your business while being distracted repeatedly moving at snail pace waking up one morning to feel like you completely missed out on their lives.

The choice is yours! 

Sometimes we have to do what others won't, so that we can live a life others never will.  

If I could do it all over again, I'd find the 3 days & do it knowing that I would be putting in focused intentional work to only have to work part-time hours & be present (actually mentally in the room not just physically) with my kids all the days thereafter. 

However, if finding childcare really is not an option, I LOVE KIDS & have a background in early childhood education & childcare so if all else fails we will wing it & get as much as we can done together, or I can bring my kids to be their entertainment. I've got your back & we will figure the best strategies out to get you where you need to be in your business so that you don't lose your sanity. 

I really want to do this, but I have a lot of excuses & objections as to why I shouldn't...

I get it. 

We are our own worst enemy. 

Plus, often we just want to be a good human & do need to talk things over with our spouse. (Feel free to have them attend the application call if they have questions of their own or you just want them to hear everything so you don't have to repeat it back to them so you can make the best decision together for your family.)

No matter what is coming up for you, let's discuss it all privately & work through it together. 

No strings attached & definitely no pressure.  






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